On Wed, 16 Aug 2000 00:34:39 +0200, Johannes M. Posel wrote:

JMP> I've got a question. Why does TB always display the wrong font size
JMP> in the sending editor?! When I preview or read a mail, it's fine at
JMP> 12 pitch, but when i write a new message, forward or redirect (in
JMP> fact every time I am in the compose part of the editor) it swaps to
JMP> 18 pitch?!!

JMP> What did I do wrong? :(

Does it simply swaps font size or is the font itself changed?

Not all fonts support all the charsets. TB! tends to use the same
charset in replies as the sender uses. This is in order to maintain the
character support of the sender. If your default font doesn't support
the senders charset, then TB! will automatically switch to one that does
upon replying. The font will therefore change. Since fonts appear
different sizes at the same 'pitch', it may look as if the 'pitch' has
been changed.

-=A. Curtis Martin=-    Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA
Using TB! v1.46 Beta/3 «» Win2k Pro SP1
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
"Oxymoron: Military Intelligence "

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