On Thu, 17 Aug 2000 12:14:50 +0400, Drunin wrote:

D> replying to the person, I decided to modify this person' reply
D> template. I was not able to do this through the address book icon on
D> the right of the To field. Is it supposed to be used only for adding
D> message recipients from the address book and not for editing address
D> book entries?

That's right.

D> If so, I think that possibility to access address book entry of the
D> recipient of the message being edited would be a nice feature.

I guess. <shrug> :-) I've never personally felt a need for it.

D> Another question. Supposing I have a message under cursor, what is
D> the most simple way to lookup sender' address book entry, if any? I
D> don't want to launch address book and search in it.

Use the address auto-view. Hit <SHIFT><CTRL><O> or go to View | Address

D> It also would be nice to pop up AB entry upon address book "Add
D> sender"/"Delete sender's entry" operations in Special menu.

That would have to be optional. I'd go nuts with the address book
popping up each time I added an address in that fashion.

-=A. Curtis Martin=-    Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA
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