On the PGP-Basics List, Marck gave us an example of a Quick Template he
uses to strip PGP signatures from replies:

MDP> %quotes="%SETPATTREGEXP=""(?is)(.*^-----BEGIN PGP
MDP> SIGNED.*?\n(Hash:.*?\n)?\s*)?(.*?)(^(- --\s*\n|_{40,}\s*\n|-----BEGIN PGP

 In his own words:

> I implement it as a Quick Template called REQ and then use
> %QINCLUDE="REQ" whenever I want to use it in a main template.

Under Options/Quick Templates, I have created a new Template, aptly named
"PGP", but I don't understand how I can access that QT via the Macro
entries in my Reply Template. I see no Macro called %QINCLUDE, and if I
choose "Insert QT", I am asked to select which folder the QT template is
located, and it seem it has to be in a text format.


N.J. Andriash [ TB! v1.46 Beta 3 | PGP 6.5.3 | Win 98 v4.10 ]
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada  |  PGP Key ID:  0x7BA3FDCE

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