On Fri, 8 Sep 2000 08:53:00 +0100, Jamie Dainton wrote:

JL>> Now, having properly prepared the machine, I re-installed Win98 and
JD>                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
JL>> once again, the favorites arrow no longer works. If I click on the
JL>> arrow, the arrow is depressed and remains so until I click on it
JL>> again. At no time will the list of favorites drop down. Checking,
JL>> un-checking and re-checking an address book entry makes no difference.

JD> Hmm that would mean that your registry keys for TB! were deleted
JD> unless you'd backed them up.

When he uninstalls the upgrade, things are back to normal with TB!. :-/
Doesn't sound like registry key deletions if this is the case.

JD> The drop downs are stored in the registry. Therefore if you delete
JD> your favorites list it won't be able to drop down.

Seems like a Win95 to 98 upgrade 'spook'. :-)

A. Curtis Martin..
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