On 18-09-2000 at 14:53, Oliver Sturm kindly wrote:
> Hello Karin, Monday, September 18, 2000, 2:37:12 PM, you wrote:

>> This means that when reading mail I have to double-click individual
>> messages in order to be able to read them, which is fine with me.
>> The only thing that I miss is the option from _within_ a message to
>> delete it, so that I automatically navigate to the next unread
>> message in the thread.

> In my folder window, there's a menu entry Navigation/Delete and follow
> next, even with a keyboard shortcut. Does that do what you want?

Can you specify where exactly you see this menu entry? I
can't seem to find it, and the Help file contains
nothing about navigation.

Ah, I found it: this menu entry is available from
within the message pane. Navigation --> Delete and
Follow Next.

No, it is not what I want: it doesn't open the
next message. When I do [delete and follow next] I
end up in the folder overview, with the cursor bar
on the next message, unopened.

>> And: I have sorted my TB messages by thread. When I go through them
>> using <spacebar> somehow I don't get them in threaded order: I sem
>> to randomly go from the one message to the other. I probably make
>> some kind of mistake but I have no clue which one.

> There are several version of "threading" selectable from "View/View
> threads by". Also, you have to use the sort order (e.g. Created sorted
> ascending) to get it halfway right. Why TB still doesn't thread as
> correct as Netscape does has been subject of many discussions, but is
> still an open topic, IIRC.

OK, thank you for that information.

- K -


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said Humpty Dumpty, 'I always pay it extra.'
  -- Lewis Carroll: Through the Looking-Glass

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