Monday, September 18, 2000, 9:18:06 PM, you wrote:

> Hash: SHA1

> On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 20:56:51 +0200, Jarle Hammen Knudsen wrote:

JHK>> Can  i  set  up  TB!  to  delete a mail from the server when it's been
JHK>> downloaded  on both machines and to keep it when it's only received on
JHK>> one machine`?

> Yes. For the machine that you will be downloading mail from *first*, go
> into the account settings and under the Mail Management section, enable
> the option to leave messages on the server. That instance of TB will not
> keep downloading messages that have already been downloaded even though
> they have been left on the server.

> For the machine that you'll be downloading last, setup the account to
> delete messages from the server.

Yes,  this is how I have it configured now. But if I set up the office
machine to leave messages and the home machine to delete them I have a
problem  if  I  retrieve  messages  at  home  which  I  haven't  first
downloaded at work. This is what I want to remedy.

My  guess  is  that it's not doable (but I'll be very happy if someone
proves  me  wrong).  It should certainly be implemented in v2. (Do you
think there will be a beta out this year?)

Shall we eat or have a McDonalds? (Dave Allen)

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