I have a mail account that I can no longer send mail to. There is
supposedly an issue which now requires all lower case characters in
the user name. When I set up the account in TB, it was set up as
Ullll, with the first char in upper case, the rest lower case. I went
to properties and changed everything (I think :-) to lower case.

However, when I try to send mail, I still get an error that says:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] no such user. The error message still has the name
with a leading Ucase letter. I can receive mail, so there is such an

Question: How can I be sure TB is not sending out an SMTP request with
Ullll? Did I not find all the places where it needs to be changed? Is
it stored in the registry, perhaps? Any ideas to check this out to see
if the problem is at my end or theirs?



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