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On Thu, 21 Sep 2000 13:55:09 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

A>> In The Bat!, you cannot collapse a sub-tree by pressing the ARROW-LEFT
A>> key, although in Windows Explorer you of course can.

A>> Any ideas why?

TF> Hmmm. "Let's follow Microsoft, they set the standards"?

I wouldn't take that cliche too far. It does have it's merit but not in
this instance IMHO.

When I discovered this problem with the folder tree navigation, I
actually went through the trouble of going through all my apps to see if
*any* of them did tree or thread navigations differently using the arrow
keys. None did. What makes matters worse, TB! follows the 'MS' standard
everywhere else in the interface. Start copying a message to another
folder and when the little folder list pops up, navigate it with the
arrow keys. Try navigating the filter rules with the arrow keys in the
sorting office filters. There's consistency in windows and windows
supporting apps here. Why break consistency unnecessarily. It doesn't
matter where the source of the consistency came from but whenever
there's a more or less established piece of consistency, it should
remain that way. If the application decides to break it, then an option
should be available to use the more consistent method.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
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** "Variables won't; constants aren't. "
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