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On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 06:24:47 +0200, Avenarius wrote:

A> For instance, if I intend to reply to a message tomorrow, but want to
A> jot down, right now, the two or three points I want to make in that
A> reply, then I don't need to hit the reply button -- all I need is to
A> jot down the two or three catchwords in the memo that can be attached
A> to the original message I received.

A> I find the Memo function (CTRL+SHIFT+I) extremely useful.

I do as well. :-)

A> However, it's buggy. Every other day, it's disfunctional on my
A> system; the buttons in the memo window are grayed out.

The memo doesn't work properly via the view folder windows in that you
are unable to create new memos or edit created memos. Memos will only
work properly when the message preview pane is enabled and the memo
editor invoked via the main windows message listing.

This is an old and persistent problem. This and other past view folder
window bugs (another is with address autoview) makes me realize that the
developers seem to prefer using the preview window exclusively. :-)

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
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** "Procrastination: The art of keeping up with yesterday. "
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