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Hi Januk,

On 09 October 2000 at 15:42:25 GMT -0700 (which was 23:42 where I
live) Januk Aggarwal wrote and made these points on the subject
of "The bat in the system tray at star-up ?":

>> I'm like to load the bat in the system tray at the start-up of
>> windows 2000. I configured the bat to be in the system tray when
>> minimized.

>> But how can I tell in to minimize automatically ?

JA> Find the shortcut for TB that you're using and select the properties.
JA> Under the shortcut tab there should be a drop down list for Run:
JA> Normal Window.  Change this to Run minimized.

Now I knew there was something I kept forgetting to mention.

I've always run TB like this. I just migrated to a new machine from
Win98SE where it worked perfectly. I find that on my new system under
Win2k pro TB starts out in the tray *but*, when I access the first new
mail from the ticker, TB comes out of the tray and onto the task bar
minimised. I have to restore and minimise again to get TB into the
tray properly. After that TB stays in the tray as it should. Has
anyone else noticed this bizarre behaviour?

- --
[    Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA              ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www: http://www.silverstones.com      ]

 Headline - Plane Too Close to Ground, Crash Probe Told
 TB! v1.47 Beta/7 S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1

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Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness


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