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On October 18, 2000, at 2:20:08 PM, Marck D. Pearlstone Wrote:

> You must be able to guarantee that you will check all addresses on new
> messages, whether generated from the AB favourites list, from a generic
> new message command or from an external mailto click, any of which can
> be randomly affected by whichever folder currently has the focus in the
> TB main window.

Marck, I forget the specifics involved, but sometimes when you are
composing a reply, and a newly filtered message arrives to the folder
and/or thread from which you are replying, that the Subject of your reply
can change, or a whole new reply with the changed subject is generated,
unbeknownst to the User. That anomaly, together with the MailTo: problem,
is the basis of the argument for using AB Templates. I consider those to
be bugs in TB! rather than careless use of Folder Templates or cursor
placement. I think RITLabs should correct the bugs and not leave it to the
Users to be relegated to using AB Templates to get around them.

Folder level Templates are by far more convenient to use. With AB
Templates, you have to aim at a very very thin strip of screen real estate
next to the New Message button just to generate a new message. With Folder
Templates, you simply hit the larger button... one click and you're done!

> In the long run, AB templates are *much* safer by an order of
> magnitude.

Safer? With respect to circumventing the 'bugs' outlined above, perhaps.
However, TB!'s Address Book's finicky behaviour is well documented. Having
to now trust all my Message Templates to the whims of the AB causes me
even more concern. :o(


N.J. Andriash [ TB! v1.47B7 | PGP 7.0 | Win 98 SE ]
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