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  On Thu, 26 Oct 2000 10:12:55 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR> Thanks for doing all this work; I certainly hadn't expected that.
JR> You will have to explain it to me as we go along as I would very
JR> much like to learn how to do this. And maybe it will help others as
JR> well.

This, you will certainly not learn overnight. I had to buy a book
(Mastering Regular Expressions - publisher, O'Reilly) to teach myself
this stuff. :-) Going through it with you in this setting is rather
impractical. It will largely blow over your head.

JR> However, following the instructions, I created a quick template
JR> (which I named "bracket"). Then I inserted "bracket" in a template
JR> called "clipreply" via %QINCLUDE="bracket" & I'm sorry to say that
JR> no subject appeared. Here are the actual templates that I refer to,
JR> first the "bracket" template. What am I doing wrong?

JR>           On %ODATE @ %QINCLUDE="OTIME"  you  wrote the following in
JR>           regards to %QINCLUDE="bracket":

Oopsidoo!!<g> The macro is intended to replace your subject header with
the clipped version and not to insert it within the message body as
you're trying to do. In order to do what you wish leave everything as is
but change your regex macro to this:

<single line>
<single line>

That should now do it and I just confirmed it here. I created a QT with
the handle name subj3. On typing subj3<CTRL><SPACE> the output is:

Re: using meta characters & expressions

Enjoy. :-)

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