"On 07-11-2000 at 14:48:40GMT -0800 (which was 22:48 where I live)
Clearwater Landscapes wrote regarding the subject of "Digest (11/08/2000 00:35) 
Special Issue (#2000-499)":

> Hi BatListers,

> Once or twice a day, my Receiving Mail function "sticks" on
> getting new messages...the dialog box appears and the bat flies
> indefinitely, but nothing else happens. Cancelling out and then
> retrying will download the messages, but causes the next mail
> check to re-download all messages on server (saved there for two
> days). Any clues to solve this behavior? Thanks for your help.

Hello Clearwater,

Are you using IMAP?


Manfred Ell

using TheBat 1.48 Beta/3 on Windows 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1, RC 1.1

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