On 20-11-2000 at 19:50:02GMT +0000 (which was 20:50 where I live)
Marck D. Pearlstone wrote regarding the subject of "FAQ, Spam, Regexps"

MDP> Most  here use the "Sherlock" method of spam detection: "Eliminate the
MDP> impossible  and  what  remains,  however improbable, must be the spam"
MDP> (sic).  IOW  put filters in place for "friendly" messages (from people
MDP> and  lists that you know) and round off with a "Specifically addressed
MDP> to  me"  filter  as  a  back stop (which leaves messages in the Inbox)
MDP> followed  by  one  to  mark a message as read and shove it in the Spam
MDP> folder.

Hello Marck D.,

I use the same method and it works. In addition you can put special
subjects and addresses in the "Selective Download" filters.
I catch 99% of the spam with this.


Manfred Ell

using TheBat 1.48 Beta/8 on Windows 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1, RC 1.1

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