Hello Daniel,
Wednesday, December 20, 2000, 3:08:06 PM, you wrote:
DM> I am not sure this is the correct forum but
DM> I can't figure out when I
DM> hit reply how to put my reply at the top of
DM> the message and the
DM> message I received at the bottom. Currently
DM> my message appears at the
DM> bottom. I have looked at the FAQ and I
DM> think my question is too
DM> elementary to be there and I looked in the
DM> help and I think it might
DM> have to do with the reply template, but I
DM> couldn't see where I edit or
DM> view all these macros. thanks.
If you look at the reply template, it says:
and so it quotes the message first, then places the cursor after the
You could simply reverse these 2 and have your comments come before
the cursor BUT I believe this is one of those areas in which opinions
are divided and strong. Others on the list have more knowledge and
stronger views than me, but in summary, some people don't like the
comment first.
My preferred method (about which I'm not a zealot, nor indeed
especially scrupulous in practice) is to place my comments at the end
of short messages, and to intersperse comments on individual points in
longer messages thus:
Point A
Comment on A
Point B
Comment on B
and so on.
Of course (he said mischievously), you could reverse the quote and
comment in non-Bat list messages (by using folder templates), but
leave it as it is for messages to the Bat lists. That way, no-one here
would know about your wickedness!
Best regards,
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