Hello Chris,

On Tue, 26 Dec 2000, 20:10:56 h [GMT +0000] (which
was 21:10 h [GMT +0100] where I live) you wrote:

CW> I have a very workable TB! installation but am considering re
CW> loading the OS in an early Spring Clean operation.

Heard of "Never change a running system" lately?

CW> How can i save it to CD for future reloading? In particular what
CW> do I need to save and what about file attributes when writing a

a)  You can save the whole TB! Folder including your Mail folders to
    the CDR(W).

b)  Save just your Mail folders to the CDR(W) as it seems copying TB!
    itself back to your harddisk might take as long as installing it

c)  Use the manual backup utility provided on the FAQ and copy the ZIP
    to the CDR(W).

You have to export the registry strings anyways, so go and get the
manual backup utility and use it for your backups.

Make sure you go check out the FAQ, there is instructions for
exporting the reg settings and the mail folders.


CW> I will be using Nero 5 to write any backups.

Me too... tomorrow, after my new 12x cdr drive has arrived <muahaha>

Best regards,
Kari Jakobi

The Bat! 1.48f on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 SP1

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