Hello Marck,

Saturday, January 20, 2001, 11:55:33 AM, you wrote:

GFS>> This  is  a  knee jerk work around. How about giving the user the
GFS>> option to use hard returns or not.

MDP> There  is  no choice. Hard returns get used at some point. At least in
MDP> TB  that  point is "up front". In all other clients it's either behind
MDP> the scenes or at the whim of a routing MTA. Whichever, it's out of the
MDP> control of the message originator. Give me control over random anarchy
MDP> any  day.  What  you  propose  as  an option is only possible when the
MDP> routing is known.

So why do so many other clients handle this so much better?

MDP> The  "attach  a  text file" work-around is *not* knee jerk. It is 100%
MDP> the correct solution.

So if I were to use a text-editor than attach it, I might as well
not use TB and route directly through sendmail, for it is my opinion
that the editor is 90% of what makes the client.

Best regards,
 George                   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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