
On Friday, January 19, 2001, 7:18:01 AM, you wrote:

T> In the office I don't use the ticker, so the bat flaps its
T> wings frantically, wanting me to read the message so it can
T> rest again. But no folder (oh don't let me count them) shows
T> anything. Since I don't have a ticker to click on, what am I
T> supposed to do? Go through all folders? I am thinking of
T> reporting this to an animal rights group.

I for one would love to see a new feature added to The Bat!...
and that is the ability to configure the flying bat icon in the
same way that sound for new mail can be configured. I want the
flying bat to animate when I have new mail in some folders, but
not for example when I have 500 unread emails in my mailing list
folder. To not be able to toggle this kinda defeats it's purpose.
I have requested this feature via the wish list... and would
encourage others that see the usefulness of it to do the same.



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