Hello Lija,

L> When I drag filter from incoming mail to selective download, I get
L> something
L> like this:


L> Why are these zeros used for?

It is coused by the way TB saves filters in accont filter file. Try
changing some parameters in filter You had in incoming mail. Then move
it again. Changing location in filtering string from sender to
anything else, or presence from yes to no will change numbers. The
first one is location, the second one is presence. As You see
selective download is realy poor in comparision with other sections,
but every filter takes 255 bytes I think.

BTW: I'm working on a tool, that can move filters between accounts.

nIck: IronHand of CruX     /GCS d-(++) s:- a18 C++ UL++++ P+++ L++@ E\
maIl:                     { W+++ N+ o? K? w+++ !O M V? PS+ PE- Y PGP- }
[EMAIL PROTECTED] \t+ 5+ X- R++ tv b+ DI? D+ G++ e- h! r% y-/
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