On 24-02-2001 at 17:29, Alexander Levenetz kindly wrote:

>> encrypting the backup.

> How do you do that exactly?

Here's my batch file for incremental backups & encryption:

@echo off
set path=c:\utils\backup;e:\backups\h-drive
set tz=met-1dst
c:\utils\arj\arj32 a -r -hm0 -i2 -h# -jm -b1 -x!c:\utils\backup\h-exclude.txt 
e:\backups\h-drive\h- h:\*.*
c:\utils\backup\pgp23 -e -w e:\backups\h-drive\h-*.arj Karin Spaink

I'll break up the last two lines:

  That's where my arj32.exe resides;

a -r -hm0 -i2 -h# -jm -b1 -x!c:\utils\backup\h-exclude.txt
  The switches for arj.exe:

  a     = archive
  -r    = use recursive directories
  -hm0  = to manage huge file lists
  -i2   = provides a combined percentage and bar progress display
  -h#   = append current date/time string
  -jm   = select high size reduction
  -b1   = backup changed files and reset archive bits
  -x[x] = exclude the files named in [x]

e:\backups\h-drive\h- h:\*.*
  Bsckup target and backup source

This results in files in the format H-010223.arj (for 23 Feb
2001). In the last line, this file is encrypted
(conventional encryption), using the key stored in the
backup directory:

c:\utils\backup\pgp23 -e -w e:\backups\h-drive\h-*.arj Karin Spaink

  -e   = encrypt file
  -w   = wipe original

That's it. It's executed in well under five minutes, using a

- K -


If babies are innocent, it is not for lack of will to 
 harm, but for lack of strength. 
  - St Augustine of Hippo, Confessions

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