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Hi Jim,

On 20 March 2001 at  14:47:46 -0500 (which was 19:47 where I  live)
Jim Riccardi, Jr. wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these

>> The attachment icon can be found to the left of the plain text view
>> of the message. It sounds to me like you're double clicking on the
>> message in the message list message in the message list and simply
>> opening the folder view of the same message.

JRJ> Marck - you are right ... that is what I was doing... but I also
JRJ> clicked the attachment icon (message.wct) -

.wct? That's not right. What browser are you using? It should be
.htm or .html.

JRJ> that DOES fire up my browser but not with the messagel contents -
JRJ> just a blank page (as is set in my browser preferences) - no
JRJ> message, no images, nada, zip, zero, zilch!! :)

That's not TB's fault. That's your browser being incorrectly
installed - hence the strange .wct extension. The default extension
for mime/html encoding is .wct instead of .htm or .html. That's not
right at all.

JRJ> And why isn't there a switch or something so that - like in
JRJ> Pegasus - when I double-click a message in the message list it
JRJ> will prompt me to open as text message or via browser?? Just
JRJ> curious!!

Because it's not needed. The "double click the attachment" works
perfectly provided that the host system is correctly set up. Much
simpler really.

JRJ> I REALLLLY Like TB - but there are still some things that are
JRJ> missing for me. THANX!!

I suggest reinstalling your browser. It's not behaving very well at
all - although reinstallation my not serve to correct the bad file
associations. You could also try (not as a solution but to test your
browser) saving the attachment (right click on it and select "Save")
and trying to launch the saved version from the explorer. Try it with
various extensions including .html.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www: http://www.silverstones.com      ]
[    Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs           ]

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