Hello Adam & others on TBUDL following this thread,

Sunday, April 08, 2001,  you asked:

A> Is  there a way to justify the text of seperate paragraphs, other than
A> highlighting each paragraph seperately and doing an alt+j?

A> If I type

A> Sentence one

A> Sentence two

A> Sentence three


A> On long messages highlighting each one seperately takes an age.

You already know you don't need to highlight. In order to make thing
faster, here's the solution I came up with:

You start at the bottom. You can be on the last line of the
paragraph. When you hit alt+j, that both reformats the text and puts
you at the beginning of the top line.

Then all you do is hit your up arrow twice and do it again. And
again & again till your done. AIC, it's MUCH faster than doing it
top down. Try it.


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