I sent the message below to the 'suggestions' address listed on the
Ritlabs website, but it bounced back to me. I apologize in advance if
this is the wrong place to put this in an attempt to reach the makers.

Dear ppl at Ritlabs,

First of all I'd like to give you my compliments for making an
excellent mail program.

There are two suggestions though that I'd like to make that would make
your already great program even better and easier to use for me.

1) Hard returns and soft returns

When 'Auto-Format' is on, it is impossible to have two consecutive
lines that are not filled to the maximum width allowed by the set
margins. It seems that there is no difference between what in word
processors is sometimes referred to as a soft-return and a

This makes it very difficult to create *-lists in mails unless one
adds a blank line between each item. Another situation is when I
delete lines at the bottom of a message after having replied in order
to get rid of the bottom part of the message, so only my signature is
left, which often results in me deleting one line too many, the
auto-format kicking in, reformatting the signature separator and my
name (as seen below) onto one line.

It would be nice if the internal editor would know which linebreaks
are purely due to the margin setting, and which are entered purposely
by the user.

As a result, I often find myself continuously switching back and forth
between 'Auto-Format' on and off.

On a side note: is it possible to have the cursor only go to places
where text and/or spaces were already typed, and to have the text be
able to have spaces after the last character on a line, if only to be
able to verify that the signature separator has a space after it.

2) Drag and Drop attachments

I often receive messages containing more than one attachment of which
I need to forward only one or several but not all to someone else. In
order to do so, it would be nice if one could open the mail, open a
second, new mail and just drag and drop the attachments that need to
be added to the outgoing mail right from the window of the received
mail onto the window of the new mail.

Thank you again for making The Bat! and good luck with it's on-going


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