OM> Hello Marck,

OM> Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 8:57:59 PM, you wrote:

MDP>> Use Alt-Drag to move folders alongside others or Ctrl-Alt-Drag to drop
MDP>> one folder into another.

OM> Woah. It's obvious I still have got hundreds of things to learn about
OM> The Bat! The Alt-Drag or Ctrl-Alt-Drag are just fine for me. I'm not
OM> interested in sorting all simply in alphabetical order.

If  I  were  to to accidentally click, and then click again . . .
and cause them to alphabetically sort- I may just cry. I have too
many folders.

OM> But would you know *why* they chose to use the Alt and Ctrl-Alt
OM> combination to allow dragging folders ? Wouldn't it have been simpler
OM> to use _ordinary_ drag : just the left mouse click ?

I  don't  know why -they- chose it, necessarily- but I personally
prefer  it  this way. I like the fact that if I, say, stay up all
night  and  have  intaken  much  coffee  .  .  .  a bit shaky and
delirious,  and happened to click to select a folder and happened
to mistakenly keep the mouse button compressed . . . well, I like
to  know that when I come to, I'll find all of my folders just as
I  left  them.  ---- Rather, It is somewhat idiot-proof security-
keep  my  folders from being moved around by mistake. (I have, in
th  epast  with  other clients, accidentally moved things and had
quite a time finding and fixing my movements.)


--  Created by The_Bat! Version: 1.52 Beta/7 in Windows 98, build

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