Hello Jan,

Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 3:08:36 AM, you wrote:

JR> On Tuesday, April 17, 2001 00:30:12 [ +0400 GMT], you wrote the
JR> following in regards to 'Preview Pane: Fit width':

jlaikan>> Is there a way to get the message text  fit within the width
jlaikan>> of the "Preview Pane" so that I don't have to scroll horizontally?

JR>   Try View -> 'Full height account tree'

Thanks for the reply. However that's not exactly what I wanted. Let me
rephrase my question.

Is there a way to make the Preview Pane, set at a given width, show
all the text(without some text staying hidden behind its right border?

When I decrease Preview Pane's width by dragging its sides, I want the
text to automatically format itself (move to new lines) so as to be
all visible again within the reduced pane's width.

Best regards,
 jlaikan                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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