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Hello Brian,

On Tuesday, April 24, 2001 20:11:33 [ -0400 GMT], you wrote the
following in regards to my comment on '%NOSIGNCOMPLETE won't work':

JR>>   Honestly, I think you are using a later version of TB! than I am.

  I am using v1.51 & you are using v1.52.

Brian> Yes, because you were one of the first people I talked to on TBUDL
Brian> when I entered the game around 1.47 Halloween.

  About the time I started as well.

Brian> And you say this is in
Brian> the "Template Macros" page? That makes three times I've looked for
Brian> %NoSignComplete on that page, and that time I think I read each line
Brian> twice. <g> Strange..

  Really. :-\

  From the Help Menu
  Help Topics -> Contetns -> Message Template ->
  The Complete List of Template Macros

  NoSignComplete is nestled between 'signcomplete' &

Brian> When you upgraded to the newest release, did you use the full install
Brian> package or did you just grab the lone executable?

  I think I used the executable.


- --
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! v1.51/WinMe/PGP Key ID: 0x3F14A060
ICQ 41116329

Version: PGP 6.5i


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