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Hello Lars,

LG>>> How did the transfer take place?

SS>> I did a straight transfer over the network.

>>From a read-only directory, I guess (which would be the usual and
LG> sensible case :-)

Not intentionally - we have a simple peer-to-peer network, with
everyone (except me, now) running Win 95/98 - all we're really doing
is sharing the printer and back-up facilities and accessing the Vax
computer we use for our accounting system. When I got the new
computer, I simply plugged both into the network, shared the drive on
the old (Win98) computer (full access), transferred the data, and then
re-formatted the old computer. So I really don't know why some files
got set to read-only - it appears (from checking a copy of the Mail
folder) that the only files that got set to read-only are
ADDRBOOK.INI, Contacts.ABD, Family.ABD, TheBat.ABD and TheBat.ABD.bak.
None of the others, including IntermCA.ABD and RootCA.ABD (neither of
which I ever use), had their attributes changed. Anyway, it's way
beyond my ability to explain, but it's working now, which is what
counts, I guess.

SS>> That was the problem, though, apparently, it's not just
SS>> transferring via CDR that causes the attributes to change.

LG> Transferring from a read-only network resource is just the same
LG> thing. Windows seems to check what it is allowed to do on the
LG> source drive and adjusts the file attributes accordingly.

Best Regards

- --

Shauna Scott

Using The Bat! Version 1.52 Beta/12 on Windows 2000, SP1

Version: PGP 6.5i


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