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Dear Dierk,

On Tuesday, May 01, 2001 (17:24), you wrote :

DH> Another point against Win2K is their driver scheme. Since it came
DH> out i wanted to migrate but couldn't because some of my hardware
DH> would not work or work at a much lower level than designed. There
DH> are still problems with drivers for my Matrox card and my
DH> Guillemot audio card.

Oh  please, shouldn't you blame Matrox and Guillemot, if they have not
developed  drivers for the operating system which you would have liked
to  migrate to ? I know I'm OT (as much as this all conversation), but
the 'blame it on Windows' is a too easy song to sing.

Those 2c said with smile :-)

Best Regards,
- --
Olivier Mascia, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
TIP Group S.A., www.tipgroup.com

"Il n'y a point de prescription contre la vérité : les erreurs pour
être vieilles n'en sont pas meilleures." - Pierre Bayle

- --
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