Hi Robert!

On Wednesday, May 16, 2001, 10:07:04 AM, you scribbled:
RD> I can already filter it to a Spam-In folder. I made a template that
RD> puts the full-headers and the text (of spam) into body --and correctly
RD> addresses the email.
RD> But I can not automate this. I see in the help section, that there are
RD> *Actions* available. One is called Auto-Reply.
RD> Well, on the *Action* tab of anything I see here, there is never any
RD> such choice.
RD> Can some one tell me what I am doing wrong?
I can try to help :) I don't see that you're doing anything WRONg per
se, just maybe "missing" something :)  *hugs*
(Welcome to TheBat! by the way :)   )

In the filters, find the filter you set up for the SPAM. Do this by
clicking the + sign next to "Incoming Mail" (if that is how you set it
up...some people set up filters for their outgoing mail, and so forth
and so on...) and scrolling down the list until you find your SPAM
THEN, single click on it to highlight it. Then over on your
right, you will see the filter setup with a bunch of TABS across the
top (Rule; Alternatives; Actions; Options; Advanced).
Click on the "ACTIONS" tab, and scroll down until you see "Forward To".
Tik the box next to that option, then type in the address you wish to
forward it to.
If you wish to include the kludges in your forwarded mail, tik the
"Include Kludges In The Text" option box.
(There are two other boxes there too: "Do not send attachments" and
"Always use MIME envelope". It's your choice to tik those or not. All
three apply to the mail you will be forwarding.)

Then click OK, and it should filter the mail, then auto-forward it to
the specified address, from thereon-in. :)

~~~Angel   Your RDR :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2001 10:32:05 AM
-={+}=-Senza fiduccia niente-={+}=-
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