Hello Michael,

On Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 12:56:49 AM you wrote:

MD> AH-HA!  As  a  quick  way  to  get [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the TO:
MD> field,  I  just  replied to a random message, and replaced the subject
MD> and  body of the message.

*hmmm* what about a folder-template as I (and i belive many of us in
this list here) do? Because I like my mails a kind of pre-sorted for
reading I've three folders over here for TB!-related mails, one for
TBBETA, one for TBUDL and one for TBOT. Incoming mails get filtered
automatically into the correct folder. But that's not the point I
wanted to describe ...
for every of this folders I've templates for "new message" and "reply"
With others they include a line like

%TO=""%TO="TheBat! User discussion list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

(for TBUDL) ... That makes it really easy sending a mail to TBUDL,
because I just have to have the focus in the TBUDL-folder and
everything goes the right direction :-)
In the seldom case I'm NOT in the correct folder AND I'm to lazy to
change it (or it's important to keep the actual folder focues) I've
the three addresses in the address book with the correct templates for
greeting, etc.
So i just need to type in "TBUDL" and press <Ctrl>++ (Ctrl-Key plus
the "+" key) and everything goes right :-)

MD> I  didn't  realize  that TB sent a "In-Repy-To"field, and now that you
MD> have  pointed  it out, I have started playing with the threaded view -
MD> and it's very cool!

Yep, it IS :-) for me one of the most important improvements of TB!
against OE e.g. :-)

MD> So, thanks for pointing that out! I'll not do that again. :)

That's fine :-) as you now may can see it IS really confusing having a
new subject within a thread AND this new subject REALLY pointing to a
different problem (that means: a subject like "new subject [was: old
subject]" because of a changed direction in the discussion in the
thread ain't annoying, only a complete unrelated problem :-))

Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.53 Beta/8 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2)

My inner child can beat up your inner child.

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