On  28  June  2001  at  19:29:31GMT  +0100  (19:26  for  me)  Marck D
 Pearlstone wrote in "Bat Cannot Download E-Mail":

MDP> In  "Account  |  Properties | Transport | Receive mail" press the
MDP> Authenitcation button and (temporarily) turn on the "Do not store
MDP> password,  prompt  on  mail  retrieval"  switch. At the next mail
MDP> check, enter you new password then you can safely turn the switch
MDP> back off again.

MDP> That should fix it.

Yes,  thank  you.  Incidentally,  why  doesn't the Bat! connect when I
re-enter the password the second time?

MDP> I  wouldn't  say  that!  Poco,  for  instance, writes in HTML and
MDP> breaks the list rules! Then the reply text from your Poco message
MDP> needs  manual coaxing into any semblance of legibility because of
MDP> all of the missing spaces at the ends of the "formatted" lines.

MDP> Please  use  a  more  recipient-friendly  email  client next time
MDP> you're let down by TB! ;-).

Yes, as soon as I sent it, I suddenly realised what I had done!!! Poco
was  left  hanging  on  my  hard  drive when I first auditioned for an
e-mail client. As we know, a contest that the Bat! wins hands down.

Sorry for the HTML mail, and thanks for your help.

Ideas pull the trigger, but instinct loads the gun. - Don Marquis

Ian Andolina


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