Hey Jim,

Tuesday, July 17, 2001, 4:32:09 AM, my MUA believes you used
The Bat! (v1.51) Personal to write:

JD> Hi BatFans,

JD> A couple weeks ago I did an archives search on synching The Bat!
JD> address book with Palm devices. (I have a Palm IIIx) All I found
JD> was info on synching email messages with Palm.

JD> Palm Desktop 4.x has a "File Link" feature that allows you to
JD> synchronize csv (comma-separated variable) files with a Palm
JD> device. I used The Bat's "Export" command in Address Book to
JD> create a CSV file, and using a File Link in Palm Desktop, the
JD> address book entries came right in to my Palm IIIx, and life is
JD> good. I'm not sure if the "File Link" thing is new in Palm Desktop
JD> 4, but it works nice.

JD> I did have to map the fields thru a fields dialog, but then the
JD> data came right in. Palm wants to assign all items brought in this
JD> way to a special category, so I assigned them to a new
JD> "bataddress" category.

JD> Anybody else doing this address book synch between The Bat! and
JD> Palm Pilot devices via File Links, and if so, discovered any
JD> issues or caveats?
Interesting, I had not thought of that approach for "syncing" the
address book. There is no sync involved really. What is happening is
the export file from TB! is continuously kept up to date on the Palm.
ie, each time the TB! export file changes, the the data on the Palm is

Jim, I was wondering how you did the Field map? I don't recall if you
can use a .TPA file to assist with the mapping. I have worked on some
perl code to pull an address book from LDAP (my client's directory)
and pull it into my palm, and used the TPA file - which automates the
field mappings (you can look at c:\palm\LOTUS20.TPA and I think you
can search Palm's site for TPA or something like that - there is a
page or 2 defining the file).

The way I have found to best "Sync" is vCard, but the Palm Desktop
adds a new entry even if it is identical to an existing entry. Kudos
to TB!, it does not add the record if it is identical - what can you
expect from such a great piece of software, eh?

Using The Bat! (http://www.ritlabs.com/the_bat/) eMail v1.53d
Windows NT 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 1)
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