On 18-07-2001 at 09:20, Richard Stephens kindly wrote:

> I have a Stylus Color 640.  I also had no problem printing with the
> v1.53d but what happens is that it is impossible for me to scroll
> through or select certain mail messages even after having opened them.
> I had to close the program and then reopen it and go directly to the
> message that did not want to open.  It would open the first time and
> then after that it was impossible to see it again.  And this happened
> with messages that came from the same person... some would open and
> some would not.

Hey! That sounds *exactly* like the problem I have with TB
on my laptop, with html-mail. I can also only see them when
I close and re-open the program; then, the first one will
open but the second one simply won't. And if I work a bit
and then go back to that first opened (html) message, I
can't read that one any more either.

Do you also see *nothing*? No headers, no source, zilch?

> And that happens to me with every version upwards from 1.49 ... and it
> is unexplicable unless you are sitting here next to me to see it.  My
> friend who recommmended TB to me and lives from teaching and repairing
> computers cannot understand it or believe it.

When I explained my problem here the other week, there were
no suggestions either.

- K -


I lost my temper but I found it and nailed it down real hard 
so it won't get lost anymore.
  - Kari Jacobi on TBUDL, Dec 11 2000

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