Hi there!  Having a few issues with The Bat Configuration, and haven't
found anything in the FAQ or Help files, or the Archive.

1) Mailto: opens The Bat! however, does not open a blank message (like
it should), doesn't even work if I have The Bat! already open...
thoughts?  I use Opera 5.12

2) In my Folder/New/Total Pane, I noticed the 12 (57) for Inbox... I
assume this is 12 total messages (all 'read'), but 59 confuses me...
The Trash is empty, so I don't understand while it's 'holding on' to
this number... thoughts on fixing this?

3) What's with .MSG files?  HTML files will 'tab' themselves below my
message (which is great, since this is a major habit of Hotmail and
AOL users), but this isn't the case for .msg files.  I have to
double-click the attachment (I have it set to display attachments on
the left side of the message) to be able to view it... This is
incredilby inconvenient that it opens a whole new message window just
to do this, when It could treat it like a .htm file, for quick
viewing.  Is this a configuration issue or something that needs to be
in the next version?

4) I love The Bat!, and I thank you in advance for any and all


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