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to the moderators: I sent this the first time with the wrong account
selected. there is no need to allow that one through to the list as
there is no other information! apologies, i'll go to bed now. M.

Op woensdag 5 september 2001 schreef Jason Palmgren:

> I am a newbie here.  Sorry if this has been covered.

very recently... however, as many replies probably will tell you:

> How can I switch the settings so that images in the HTML emails
> *ARE* displayed?

as long as the images aren't sent along with the email, there is no
option available to make the images visible. thabat! will not, ever,
fetch images mentioned in an HTML <img> tag from a server with http.

trust me, that is a very big PLUS for your privacy.

> I know that this is undesirable to some people, but I use images in
> emails to help me remember the content of the message. For me it is
> just a mental trigger.

have you found the memo-view (ctrl-shift-i) already? it's like a
little post-it! you can attach to emails.. it takes a bit getting used
to, but i find it very handy.

an useful tip i don't remember who came from: set the width of the
memo-column to 6, and make sure you enter a '!' as the first character
of every memo.

you can choose columns in the message-list by right-clicking on the
column-headers there (i must be off to bed now, i'm not able to
construct semantically correct english anymore :).

have a good time!


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