Hello Leif Gregory,

On  Sun, 9 Sep 2001 at 16:52:35 GMT -0400 (which was 9/15/2001 3:52 AM
where you think I live) you told to the list :

>>> Don't worry, they're still asleep. That's why I call us here in
>>> Asia "the night shift". ;-)

SH>> LOL :-)
SH>> How did you know Leif still not coming back to Japan ?

> <grin>  That  may  still be a possibility. If I can't find the right
> job  here  in the U.S. then we may go back to Tokyo. Then we'll have
> worldwide coverage for moderation.. ;-)

I pray and believe that you will stay on US :-)
That means we will miss Moderators in Asia Time Zone.

I would like to recommend one person from Asia to be Moderators, and I
vote for Thomas Fernandez from Taiwan.

As  you Leif, Thomas speak multi language, AFAIK you speak Russian (of
course),  Japan  and  Poland  (correct  me if I am wrong) while Thomas
speak  German,  France,  Dutch,  Spanish,  Thai and a little of China,
Vietnam and Melayu (Bahasa Indonesia)...amazing how has he learn about
this  ^_-,  give  hime  more  1-2  year  then  he can speak China more
fluently, even Japanese and Korean :-)

Thomas  speak/write  in simple English/word (I guess, because he lives
in non English Country/Community), no "slang", easy for us (non native
English  Speaker)  to understand what he is saying/write. Marck, Allie
and you speak English fluently, but sometimes non native speaker as me
can  not  follow  you  (sorry,  no  offense please) because your words
sometimes not covers in my dictionary :-)

In  absence  of  Wolgang Kynast for long time, Thomas will fulfill the
need  of  moderators  who can speak German, many German people in this
list  just  in case they need "special assistance" they can ask Thomas
off  list  (when  Wolfgang  active,  sometimes  I ask him to translate
bounce messages that use German Language).

What do you think ?

For List Administrator Team, currently I and Marck get back up from my
friend  Flash.  Flash<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  is  Knights of Thunder and
Ligthning  from Abracadabra Castle (just kidding)...seriously now...he
is  my  Linux Guru. He has help me much while migration this list from
MDaemon to Listar, and modify some source to meet our needs. TB! known
about credit person people, Listar too and Flash is one of them.

Since  lastweek,  thebat.dutaint.com domain has one backup from German
Name  Server  (DNSServer).  Since  routing  problem  and  sudden burst
traffic  sometimes  ago  in  my  country,  I think we need backup Name
Server  so  thebat.dutaint.com  domain more easy to resolve around the
world.  Peter Palmreuther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> kindly help us
to do this (Thanks Pit). With Peter's Server, I hope Europe and Africa
more easy to reach this list.

Intermittent  Internet traffic in US after NY Attack remind me that we
also  need  NS  backup in US region. Anyone who has run own Name (DNS)
server, live in West US and kind to help, please contact me off list.

Best regards,

- Syafril -

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