On Tuesday, September 18, 2001, Douglas Hinds wrote:

> I use the atGuard firewall and have been getting a high number of
> "inbound TCP network communications" to http port 80, with no
> application being identified as the source.

'Tis a worm, my friend, doing it's best to bring the Internet to it's
knees.  And unfortunately succeeding from time to time <frown>.

It won't affect you if you're not running a webserver (although the
latest version of it also comes in email attachments <frown>), but
it'll keep your firewall busy.

>  The IP numbers vary, as
> I've made rules against allowing some of them. The rest I block one
> by one and it's getting tiresome.

> What would happen if I ruled out *any* TCP network communication to
> http port 80? Does TB! use it? (I also post this query to the Opera
> users list).

Your firewall will block INCOMING port traffic on port-80, which is specifically
destined for a webserver.  Unless your running a personal webserver,
you can safely block all port 80 traffic.  Port 80 traffic coming in
because you've asked for it will be unaffected if the atGuard firewall
people have any idea at all of what they're doing <wry grin>.

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