Hello Dierk,

Tuesday, October 30, 2001, 2:52:37 PM, you wrote:

DH> for the time being you will have to work with either FixedSys or
DH> another Thai font you may find on the Internet - as long as it is a
DH> fixed pitch font.

Ah yes of course...!  I remember fiddling around with fixed-spaced Thai
fonts years ago on software which required monospaced fonts.

Anyway, I found a fairly good Thai courier replacement which looks pretty
good in Latin text as well. I found it at:
http://software.thai.net/tis-620/courierthai.html  The only minor drawback
when displaying English text using this font is that the line spacing is a
bit wider, which is something also most of the Thai standard Windows fonts
do. (Except for Tahoma which I prefer for that reason)

Just like the Fixedsys font however, it doesn't display the Thai vowels
which appear above or below the consonant all that well. I guess there is
just no way around that; all monospaced fonts of course skip the same space
after every character.

DH> BTW, yours is the first sensible use for proportional fonts in e-mail
DH> I ever saw ... even if it is "only" for cosmetic purposes.

:-)  I loved TB the moment I saw the default font was Courier. :-)
When it comes to Thai text, it's more than just cosmetic though; for the
occaisional Thai email I can live with odd spaces in the text, however I
think a Thai person who is used to perfectly spaced text in Outlook
(curses!) would think twice before switching to TB.

"Fo r exa mple ima gine you r te xt loo ki ng li ke this." That's pretty
much the effect when you try to write Thai with Fixedsys and other
monospaced Thai fonts.


| Han Thomas               25/1 Moo 2 Pa Bong, Saraphee    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Chiang Mai 50140 THAILAND       |

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