On 17 November 2001 at 2:43 pm Peter wrote:

> Hello Rick,

> On Samstag, 17. November 2001 at 09:35:51 you wrote (at least in
> part):

RR>> ... I do think an option to "Not use template" would be a nice
RR>> feature ...

> *hmmm* ... If you don't want to use templates at any time, but only
> for specified contacts you can delete the templates in account
> properties. To be absolutely sure you can insert the already known
> '%CLEAR' macro there.
> If you save the default templates already there into QuickTemplates
> before deleting them you can also access them manually if needed.
> But to be honest: don't we all need some kind of templates _at least_
> for replying? I mean ... somehow the original text should be contained
> within my answer, shouldn't it? So what about clearing
> account-new-template and optimizing/shrinking account-reply-template
> and account-forward-template as the best compromise?

As a guide, my three "really simple" templates are:

"" [new]

"On %ODATE at %OTIME %TOFNAME wrote:


%CURSOR" [reply]



From:    %OTONAME
Date:    %ODATE at %OTIME
Subject: %OSUBJ


---------END FORWARDED MESSAGE---------" [forward]

(Don't paste or type the quotes "" ... the 'new' template is blank,
for example)

The 'reply' one is particularly useful, as it puts

'On 17 November 2001 at 6.00pm Fred wrote'

at the start then quotes the text of the original message and puts the
cursor there ready for typing the response. This always provokes "wow,
how did you do that? did you type these in?" from Outlook [Express]
users ;)

[I also prefer to use 'None' as the sender information for quotes in
replies, which means that an angled bracket only precedes each quoted
line; anything else results in strange text like "Cac>" preceding each
quoted line ...!]


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