I had some time and decided to get this (populating my own address
book from a LDAP address book) working. Done as follows:

1. Set up two new address books.

a. The first is the source, and has properties:

Name - Global Address List (for example)

Use this book as default ... - not ticked

This address book is associated with an LDAP server - ticked

LDAP server details - filled in

Return maximum 100 matches (say) - the default is 1 which won't get
you very far with a big company :)

b. The second is the target, and has properties:

Name - Alastair's Address Book (for example)

Use this book as default ... - ticked

This address book is associated with an LDAP server - not ticked

LDAP server details - not filled in

2. This done, the task is to build up your personal address book (the
target) by doing LDAP searches on the LDAP address list (the source)
then dragging matched names from source to target. To do this:

a. In The Bat! press F8 then F7, which brings up the LDAP search
window (see the picture as attached);

b. Type in the partial* name you're searching for, then tick only the
name of the source in the bottom pane (green arrows);

c. Press Start and wait for the the matched names, if any, to appear
in the right-hand pane (behind the LDAP search window);

d. Drag and drop the names you want into the target (red arrow);

e. Press New Search, then go back to step b.

By doing b-e over and over again you can gradually build up your
personal address book by drag and drop; you can always see what you've
dragged and dropped by clicking on the target's icon (the 'blue book'
in the left-hand pane) then going back to the source (the 'green
book') before doing another search.

I find that, if you make one address book both source and target, you
get nowhere; the search results _are_ the address book as each LDAP
search, as far as I can tell, replaces the address book contents (!)
Unfortunately, this part of The Bat! is both badly documented and has
a confusing, because over-complex, user interface :(


* On my server the only match is on surnames (the addresses are stored
as <Last Name, First Name>) and at least three characters have to be
typed otherwise there's nothing returned.

Attachment: tb-ldap.png
Description: PNG image

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