Bat List,

Bat List,

My search through the help files and the archives leaves me still a
bit confused on this topic of setting up a simple mailing/distribution
I'll start by first explaining what I would like to accomplish. I
would like to be able to start typing a list name in the TO: field and
have it autocomplete with the use of ctrl+. The question then becomes
how to best set up this list.

The help file mentions to go through the address book and add a
new group name for the people you want on a list. I don't really like
this way for several reasons (and please someone tell this newbie if I'm
just screwing up and not configuring the stuff correctly).

1) The first
problem is I want to have a default New template for the group list.
However if I set this default new template for the group than it comes
up even if I just select one of the list recipients that I want to
send a single new email to.

2) I can't get autcomplete in the TO: field to select a distribution
list. It will work if I first go to the address book and then right
click on the group and start a new message that way because it will
then have the TO list in the recently used addresses, but this doesn't
seem like a decent way to handle the autocomplete

3) I also really don't like having a whole contact group name for a
list of people in my address book (although it's not really that big
of a deal). I have certain categories in the contacts like family,
friends, wfu, coworkers, church, etc. But then I email a few friends
in some of those groups that I email more frequently. Say for example
some of my friends I took sports with on Monday. Sure I could create a
whole "sports" or "football" group in my contacts but for some reason
setting up a whole GROUP for every distribution list I want to set up
doesn't really sit right with me. Usually the distribution/mailing
list is a subgroup of a group which The Bat doesn't store subgroups in
the contacts folder.

The other way that I've found to set up a distribution list as almost
perfect. Set up a contact with a name and then create a TO macro in the
new message template with the addresses you want. This also allows for
a custom creation of specific templates just for that list. Everything
is perfect about this except for entering the addresses. How do I
quickly enter the email addresses that I want to use in the TO macro
without having to keep going over to the address book and cutting and
pasting? It seems like there really should be an easier way to add the
addresses to create a mailing list?

Am I totally missing something concerning the best way to set up
simple distribution/mailing lists? I love everything about The Bat!
except for the lack-of-ease I'm running into for setting up lists of
people that I want to send email to on a regular basis. In some other
email programs (ie Pegasus) it was easy to just type the name of list
you want in your address book and then you could simply drag and drop
names from your address book into this list (not saying I like Pegasus
better, but did like this feature). Maybe there is an easier way to
set up a distribution list that I'm missing.

Sorry for the somewhat long post.




"I'd like to be buried Indian-style, where they put you up on a high
rack, above the ground. That way, you could get hit by meteorites and
not even feel it."
  -Jack Handey

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