Thursday, January 03, 2002, 7:41:56 PM, Jim Riccardi, Jr. wrote:

> Hi, All!!  OK... can someone tell me an easy way to manually or thru a
> filter, move all TBUDL messages to a folder?

Here's the filter specification that I got in the welcome message when
I joined the list:

========[ QUOTED MATERIAL ]==========
It  would  probably  be a good idea for you to set up a folder to keep
TBUDL messages in. If you do this, the next most useful thing to have
in place is an automatic filter to move mail from your inbox into your
TBUDL folder.

Set up a filter for incoming mail which looks for 
Strings           Location        Presence
Reply-to: TBUDL   Kludges         Yes

=========[ END QUOTATION ]===========

This works for me.


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK

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