Marck, you are going at this from a direction that is worth examining.
Yes, one could create a nonsense text code, create a filter, remember
to add the text code or place it in a QT, and assume that the
recipient will ignore it for not knowing what it means.  But is that
what a robust end-user application should require in 2002?  No.  It is
going backward to command line interfaces.  You could do it; I could
do it, although plainly I could not think of it; most people on this
list could do it. But most people using email clients could not or
will not do it.  I won't argue with the suggestion that it might be
too difficult from an engineering standpoint; I haven't the foggiest
idea.  But, if it's not, it might be worthy of wish-list status.


     Marck D Pearlstone wrote on Tuesday, January 15, 2002:

> Hash: SHA1

> Hi Thomas,

> On 15 January 2002 at 20:56:33 +0800 (which was 12:56 where I live)
> Thomas F wrote to Marck D Pearlstone on TBUDL and made these points:

>> They are enough; they are more. More work that is. For some reason,
>> I don't have an algorithm why I want this message yellow or that
>> message pink, it might have something to do with the contents. Or
>> colours might just be my way of marking messages with different
>> numbers of attachments.

> Suggestion: use a textual tag code (make up a unique set) in the
> signature and filter on that. Like msgc1, msgc2, msgc3 or even
> something more meaningful but equally unlikely to appear in the text

>> If, OTOH, you colour-code all messages to a particular recipient,
>> then you would create a filter, of course. But the menu item won't
>> hurt you either.

> No, but if my understanding of the software engineering aspects of the
> object construction is correct (and I'm sure it is, although it
> doesn't match your quite correct semantic definition of "colours
> belonging to messages") then it will be harder to implement than you
> think. I'm just trying to work with what we've got and spare Stef and
> Max from having to add extra functionality to make thing that can
> already be done, "easier".

> Hey, aren't you a signed up member of the 'fix the bugs first'
> brigade, eh ;-)?

> - --
> Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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