Following up my own message in this thread a few minutes ago:

> I'm importing messages from another system into TB!.  Mostly it has
> gone smoothly, using the Unix message format.

> However, the last files imported , when displayed in the TB! MESSAGE
> LIST, show almost all of the messages dated at the date/time of
> import, rather than the correct message creation date/time. When a
> single message is displayed in the MESSAGE VIEW, the timestamp is
> always:

>     Sat, 30 Dec 1899  00:00:00  ()

> An examination of the Unix file with a text editor shows the format to
> be correct, with the original date/timestamps in place. Further, the
> file imports correctly into several other programs which accept the
> Unix file format.

> Anyone know what's going on here?

It turns out that the time/date _is_ being imported into TB!.  But it
shows up under the 'Received' time/date, rather than under the
'Created' time/date.

This seems strange.  To me the creation time of the message is the
original time/date when the message was sent, not the time it was
"created" in TB!.  Further, the strange 1899 date in the individual
message headers remains unexplained.


Dave Goodman

Using The Bat! v1.53d on Windows 98

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