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@ 15:28:25 -0500 [ Mon, 11 Mar 2002], Abraham Zablocki [AZ] thoughtfully
wrote the following:
AZ> I'm a bit confused by the Bat's editor. If I write a paragraph of
AZ> text and then move the cursor to somewhere in the middle and make a
AZ> change, the text does not appear to wrap to take the changes into
AZ> account.

AZ> Is this normal? Can I change this, either automatically or by some
AZ> command?

While typing and noting the failure of text reflowing just hit Alt-L and
this will reflow the text that's bounded above and below by a blank
line. You can also dynamically have this done as you type by turning on
the autoformat feature (Shift-Ctrl-F or Utilities<menu>/autoformat).
Again, this feature will see a paragraph as text bounded above and below
by a blank line. This will prevent you from making lists and short lines
etc. You can however toggle this feature off as needed when you wish to
type lists.

TB!'s editor is strange in fundamental behaviour when compared to most
other editors out there. But then, these fundamental changes are part
and parcel of its overall power. Most will either have a love or hate
relationship. I hope that you'll explore the editors capabilities before
drawing your overall conclusion.

- --
  //  \\
 _\\()//_                 Allie C Martin
/ //  \\ \        List Moderator and fellow end user
 | \__/ |           TB! v1.54 Beta/47 & WinXP Home
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