on Saturday, March 16, 2002, 7:08:54 PM, Tim Musson wrote:

TM>>>>> Is there a 'kill dupes in all folders' selection in your
TM>>>>> 'folder' menu?

DG>>>> No there isn't.

DG>> The menu item is "Kill Dupes".  Since other menu items are folder
DG>> specific, I assumed that Kill Dupes is folder specific too.  Isn't it?

TM>  Second from bottom, just above properties...

Tim, let me explain.  Since my retirement, reading often is in my job
description.  Since my retirement, fully scanning lists from top to
bottom seldom is in my job description.  LOL

DG>> --

DG>> Daniel A. Grunberg       Kensington, Maryland, USA
DG>> homepage: www.nyx.net/~dgrunber/

TM> Note: if you put a space char after the -- in your sig, the
TM> default reply-to template will strip out your sig, which doesn't
TM> really need to be in the replies...

Thanks Tim.  Before I began this reply, I tried putting a space in
after the -- in my signature file. My signature appeared at the bottom
of this message anyway, so I deleted the signature by hand.  I will
try to remember to delete my signature on my future posts too.

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