Hello Walt Newcomb,
On Sun, 24 Mar 2002 15:02:57 -0700 GMT your local time,
which was Monday, March 25, 2002, 5:02:57 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,

Walt Newcomb wrote:

> Hello Melissa

> Sunday, March 24, 2002, 2:56:12 PM, you wrote:
MR>> Sorry for the over-quoting above, but I wanted to leave it as
MR>> unchanged as possible.

MR>> As you can see, in what I've quoted here, the umlaut-y character is
MR>> missing (I did include it when I sent the original message).

MR>> Melissa

>  Very interesting! The umlaut-y character was DEFINITELY visible in
>  the message that I received in Eudora, and in what I quoted for
>  transmittal to you!

I have seen I think the same
in Html msgs are incomplete sometimes where txt shows all and
sometimes odd characters appear but on sending they change into
something else.
So you maybe looking at exactly the same data but not see the same...

In my case I changed something in the rlat tables  as I want to enable
some foreign scripts to be readable...

Looks like I have to read the whole tread though as I thought it was a
beta problem...


Best regards,

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