On Saturday, March 30, 2002, 14:12, you wrote:

> I have selected "Remove old messages On Exit" in a few folders and
> it doesn't seem to work, at least as I expected. Which date is used
> to determine if a message is old, the Received or the Created one?

Received. Besides, TB! actually adds one day to your settings. If you
select to remove messages older than 5 days, TB! will keep messages
which is up to 5 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes old.

Personally, when specifying 5 days, I want to keep messages for five
days, not six. Well, thats a minor problem, it's easy to adjust your

Marcus Ohlström

Using The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2
PGP Public Key at http://www.canit.se/~marcus/pgp.txt

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