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Hi Clif,

@02 April 2002, 14:51:57 -0800 (23:51 UK time) Clif Oliver wrote in

> (Is it in version 2? <grin>)

Only Max and Stef know for sure what will/won't be a part of the first
v2 release. Although many features have been discussed and were
promised in the interview of two+ years ago, I'm almost inclined to
pull the web page. I don't think that it's fair for RITlabs to be held
to ransom by it when they may have decided on a different route. Let's
face it, things change and two years in this business is a long time.

> Is there a list anywhere that shows requested features, which have
> been scheduled for a future release, and which have been determined
> to be no-go?

Only the wishlist server at https://bt.ritlabs.com/ holds that kind of
information. To be frank, there's very little more I want TB to handle
than it does right now. I recognize that there's a need for good IMAP4
support for TB, and that TB isn't going to appeal to a wider market
until HTML mail can be written with it. That latter option means a
rewrite of the editor, which many may welcome. Although having been
vociferously against it in the past as meaningless bloat, I have
recently found myself hankering after a News Reader plug-in.

Yes, yes, I know there are lot of other things slated and promises
made, but it's all speculation of the kind that really belongs on the
TBBETA list, rather than here.

So, if anyone wants to continue this discussion, let's move it to
TBBETA (which is nice and quiet since the release of 1.60) rather than
carry on here.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator
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