Hello Jan,

Friday, April 5, 2002, 5:24:30 PM, you wrote:

JR>   Just curious - on what basis would you think this w/o
JR>   having tried it?

I don't mean to defend VA or TB!, but maybe you don't want to put the
recipients into your address book for starters.  Now I may have you
thinking this is is a spam junkie.  Wrong again!

For example how about you are contacting people professionally over
the phone who provide you their e-mail address.  They agree to receive an
e-mail from you with regard to your telephone conversation.  During
the day you input all the contact information necessary into a
database.  At the end of the day you run a query for all those
agreed to the e-mail and save it to a CSV file.  You merge the CSV file
with a standard e-mail regarding your professional telephone conversation.

Whalla you have an individual e-mail for every individual you spoke to
that day.  At this point in time I do NOT want them in my address book.
The purpose of the e-mail was to provide contact information and resources
available to them on the net with regard to following up your telephone
conversation.  The recipient can now decide according to their schedule
when to look at the resources and contact you.  If they are NOT interested
I do NOT want them in my address book.  Just more work like maintenance on
the address book!

Best regards,
 Greg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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